Tirana in Albania is yet another city in Europe that is walking the green roof talk. The city has many issues, not least when it comes to air pollution. In fact, it is sadly known as Europe’s pollution capital. Though it is a relatively small city surrounded by mountains, the city is also one of the least green in Europe. It is a city of few parks. Yet that is changing because of rooftop gardens.

Green Roofs for Tirana plan
The green roof plan for Tirana has the overall objective of adding greenery to the roofs of existing buildings in the city. The main focus is to reduce air pollution and improve the air quality. Not surprising, considering the city’s problems with air pollution. Furthermore, the plan outlines the other benefits the green roofs will provide to the city:
- Improved energy efficiency
- Noise reduction
- Reduces floods and improves storm water management
- Increase of the recreational spaces in the city
- Creating local jobs
- Increased value of the building
- Aesthetic improvement of the building
- Awareness of the residents about the benefits of green roofs
- Improving the well being of citizens
The City’s General Local Plan
Tirana’s green roof plan is one small part of the city’s general plan. This aims to create a greener city by 2036. Work on the plan has been undertaken by the now world-famous Stefano Boeri architect of Milan’s Bosco Verticale. Yet again, this inspiring architectural practice is helping to shape the future of cities in Europe and beyond.

In the words of Stefano Boeri, ‘the Tirana plan expresses the future of a polycentric and kaleidoscopic metropolis, which will host in each part a rediscovered balance between the city and nature.’ The plan should help realise a green metropolis where green roofs are an important element of that vision. And already the city is starting to market itself in this way because of its green roofs.