This weeks green roof image – Poppies on a Biosolar roof in London – celebrates the synergies between renewable energy and green roofs.

Biosolar roofs need to be the future of roofs in London
Now, carbon energy can be combined with wildflowers to truly sing a song of sustainability. Nature and clean energy, if designed correctly, can be achieved together at roof level. This roof at Standard Chartered Bank in London was installed last year. The solar panels were retrofitted onto a simple sedum green roof. During the installation, the green roof was adapted to take a greater variety of vegetation.

The London Mayor is committed to increasing the number of roofs with renewable energy in London. We say that he should also focus on ensuring that, where renewables are to be installed on roofs, they are combined with green roofs. There is such potential for both to be installed on businesses like Standard Chartered Bank throughout London’s Central Activity Zone.

Let’s hope the Mayor embraces this approach – it is after all a truly complete way to achieve sustainability at roof level.