Why not take part in a green roof competition to celebrate the beauty of green roofs. The Green Roof Beauty Contest 2016 has been launched by CeeWEB. The aim of the beauty competition is to celebrate the beauty green roofs and walls in the urban setting.

CeeWEB’s Green Roof Competition
The mission of CEEweb for Biodiversity is the conservation of biodiversity through the promotion of sustainable development. In Urban areas how better than to help conserve biodiversity by providing positive habitat at roof level. To celebrate this, CeeWEB is looking for images of green roofs and walls from around the world in all their beauty – small, large, accessible, inaccessible on houses, offices or any other building.
There are of courses rules and categories to the beauty contest and none of the images on this page would be allowed. They have all been processed using online filters. However, over the coming weeks, here at livingroofs.org we will be publishing images from around the world of roofs that we have visited over the last 16 years. These will abide by the rules. We just like these as they were taken over the weekend in London.

Let’s Find Roofs that Few Know About
Obviously there are famous roofs that everyone knows about from the famous turf roofs of the Faroe Islands to the San Francisco Academy of Arts. In the green roof world our recent post on the famous Orchid Roofs of Wollishofen celebrates this wonder of the green roof world. Out there, however, there will be roofs that few know about. Let’s see if we can unearth hidden treasures in our cities, towns and villages.

Here’s one from a carport in Essex, which was built and designed by our good friend John Little co-author of the GreenRoofTraining Guide
A Summer to collect Green Roof Competition Photographs
So wherever you are in the world this summer get out there and find a green roof or wall, take a shot and enter the green roof beauty contest. Entries are need by September 23rd so get you pictures in by then and you might just win. What is important though is whoever is the winner, the competition will ensure green roofs and walls all over the world will be the biggest winners.